Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to guide pediatric and family practice primary care clinics and/or quality improvement (QI) organizations to initiate a process to screen for and respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This handbook is based on the experience of the New Hampshire Pediatric Improvement Partnership (NH PIP) in supporting five New Hampshire pediatric practices in developing and piloting workflows to address ACEs within their patient population. The handbook provides a short background on project need, followed by a description of the initial implementation plan and required modifications due to varied factors. Next, this handbook outlines the results and lessons learned from of the project’s process evaluation. Finally, the handbook concludes with an improved and updated description of this QI process for replication elsewhere.

Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook, owned by the University of New Hampshire and authored by Felicity Bernard, Corina Chao, Holly Tutko, and Dee Watts, licensed under CC BY NC ND 2.0.

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